Investigate the Equivalence of Neutrons and Protons in Single Event Effects Testing: A Geant4 Study

Neutron radiation on advanced integrated circuits (ICs) is becoming important for their reliable operation. However, a neutron test on ICs is expensive and time-consuming. In this work, we employ Monte Carlo simulation to examine if a proton test can replace or even accelerate the neutron test, and we found that 200 MeV protons are the […]

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Lineal Energy of Proton in Silicon by a Microdosimetry Simulation

Single event upset, or Single Event Effect (SEE) is increasingly important as semiconductor devices are entering into nano-meter scale. The Linear Energy Transfer (LET) concept is commonly used to estimate the rate of SEE. The SEE, however, should be related to energy deposition of each stochastic event, but not LET which is a non-stochastic quantity.

Lineal Energy of Proton in Silicon by a Microdosimetry Simulation Read More »

Statistical Method and Non-Destructive Analytical Tools in the Failure Analysis of LED Array

When several units failed during operation or reliability test, and their failure modes are the same, it is difficult to examine if there are multiple failure mechanisms unless destructive analysis is performed on every units. However, this can be very time and resource consuming. This work demonstrates a method that combine statistical method and non-destructive

Statistical Method and Non-Destructive Analytical Tools in the Failure Analysis of LED Array Read More »

Graphene and VLSI Interconnects

Copper (Cu) has been used as an interconnection material in the semiconductor industry for years owing to its best balance of conductivity and performance. However, it is running out of steam as it is approaching its limits with respect to electrical performance and reliability. Graphene is a non-metal material, but it can help to improve

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