Quantitative Service Reliability Assessment on Single and Multi Layer Networks

Congestion that might build up due to bottlenecks in a conventional data transmission network because of constrained capacities poses the main problem. This paper aims to model the two scenarios of data transmission in the network via the single and multi layer network architectures based on the queuing theory analysis for data packets, and various parameters are seen to yield results that substantiate vividly the benefits of multi layer architecture over the single layer by summarizing outputs in terms of service reliability. Analysis in terms of throughput and waiting time, the two modeled architectures deduce conclusions that effectively prove how layered networks are much more capable than single layered networks in terms of service Reliability.

Harshit Pandey, Cher Ming Tan, “Quantitative Service Reliability Assessment on Single and Multi Layer Networks ”, Information, Communication and Computing Technology, Springer, 2018.


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